    [fullTitle] => God's Omnipresence
    [abstract] => I defend Christian classical theism’s view that God is aspatial in the strict sense but omnipresent only in a loose sense. I consider ten different proposals according to which God is strictly omnipresent and reject them all. I then present two arguments for the claim that God is strictly aspatial. Finally, I argue that, given God creates and sustains all else, God is loosely omnipresent.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Joseph
                    [affiliation] => Kutztown University


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v8i2.61
    [datePublished] => 2016-06-21
    [pdf] =>

God's Omnipresence

Kutztown University



I defend Christian classical theism’s view that God is aspatial in the strict sense but omnipresent only in a loose sense. I consider ten different proposals according to which God is strictly omnipresent and reject them all. I then present two arguments for the claim that God is strictly aspatial. Finally, I argue that, given God creates and sustains all else, God is loosely omnipresent.


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