An exploration of the philosophical motivations for the development of corpus linguistics
Liwen Zhao
Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai, 264005, China
Considering the way that increasingly more complicated programming is being created to work with the extraction of arguments from normal language texts, the reason for this paper is to research whether the deeply grounded and effectively available approaches of corpus linguistics are appropriate for the examination of argumentation. In the wake of giving brief acquaintances with both corpus linguistics and the possibility of meta-argument, I will examine three pilot concentrates on that were led utilizing the open access News Online corpus to explore the utilization of the expressions "misrepresentation," "name-calling," and "tricky slant," separately. It was explored whether every one of these terms showed up on internet based news sites, and the destinations' adjustment to the norms of utilization laid out by argumentation scholars was assessed. In every one of the three pilot projects, charming data about how non-experts utilize the wording was uncovered, and this, thusly, prompted a few instances of the different kinds of arguments that were examined. Corpus linguistics is the investigation of language that depends on the examination of enormous text corpora. An original clarification of the peculiarities of discourse, composing, and thinking show has been delivered by consolidating stylish examination with corpus linguistics.
Keywords: Corpus Linguistics, Development, Philosophical, Meta-Argument