Philosophical reflections on Marxist linguistics
Chuanfeng Cao
School of Chinese Language and Literature, School of Language and Literature, Xinjiang medical university, Urumqi, 830054, China
The objective of Marx's verifiable realism hypothesis is to utilize the material underpinnings of all human life to make sense of the set of experiences and advancement of mankind. Marx believed work based production to be the main human undertaking. Marx fights that by underlining work based production, it is practical to offer a materialistic clarification of how individuals change the world by utilizing "powers of production," yet in addition change themselves in the process by taking part in "relations of production" with each other. As indicated by Marx, everything authentic change and progress is driven by the useful movement of people and the communication that outcomes between the powers and relations of production. As per Marx, it is feasible to comprehend how different verifiable times succeed each other and how the direction of mankind's set of experiences focuses towards a socialist society where the division of work and class struggle will be cancelled by understanding how human useful exercises lead to these issues. Language's social and psychobiological aspects have not been effectively accommodated by etymological hypothesis.
Keywords: Marxist Linguistics, Philosophical, Production, Language