On The Study of Music Performance Theory from a Philosophical Perspective of Music Education
Hui Han
Lu Xun Arts College, Yanan University, Yanan, 716000, China
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24204/ejpr.2022.3920
Education may be defined as the process of supporting learning, which can include the acquisition of information, skills, values, and other such things with the purpose of assisting in the overall development of a child's personality. However, the current educational system in India is marked by a significant amount of variation in its process, which is primarily geared around achieving high marks and ranks. Philosophers and psychologists have always been interested in music because they find it to be a deeply intriguing and complex phenomenon. The term "the philosophy of music education," usually referred to as "music education philosophy" (MEP), is a relatively recent concept, and many music educators are unaware of it, let alone its underlying ideas and key concepts. In point of fact, specific coursework in MEP is still very uncommon in undergraduate and graduate music education curriculum throughout the majority of countries, including North America. In this research we talked about philosophy of music and music education as well as its theories.
Keywords: Music, philosophy, Education, Theory, Graduate.