    [fullTitle] => Tradition and Conceptual Dynamics According to an Inferentialist Theory of Meaning
    [abstract] => In this article I develop a conceptual dynamical account from an inferentialist theory of meaning and content; thus illuminating the connection between conceptual dynamics and tradition. The inferentialist theory taken into account here is that of Robert Brandom. While expanding on Brandom’s notion of scorekeeping, I claim that insufficiency, and sometimes even inability, to differentiate and navigate between past heritage and present discourse is of the essence of highly traditional discourses; creating a unique type of conceptual dynamics which is commonplace mainly within religious traditional discourses. This claim is supported by a case study from a Jewish traditional discourse.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Ariel
                    [affiliation] => Hebrew University of Jerusalem


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v8i2.66
    [datePublished] => 2016-06-21
    [pdf] =>

Tradition and Conceptual Dynamics According to an Inferentialist Theory of Meaning

Hebrew University of Jerusalem



In this article I develop a conceptual dynamical account from an inferentialist theory of meaning and content; thus illuminating the connection between conceptual dynamics and tradition. The inferentialist theory taken into account here is that of Robert Brandom. While expanding on Brandom’s notion of scorekeeping, I claim that insufficiency, and sometimes even inability, to differentiate and navigate between past heritage and present discourse is of the essence of highly traditional discourses; creating a unique type of conceptual dynamics which is commonplace mainly within religious traditional discourses. This claim is supported by a case study from a Jewish traditional discourse.


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