    [fullTitle] => Morality,the Other and Third Persons
    [abstract] => This paper seeks to defend the thesis that a justification of morality has to underline the role of the second person in addition to a perpetual and on-going change of perspective that likewise includes the third and first person. To support this argument, the paper conceptualises responsibility as a moral relationship whose core constitutes the encounter with the other whom we recognise as a second-person authority. It then sketches how this pre-cognitive dimension must be supplemented by a cognitive insight which implies a dissociation from the second person and a consideration of third persons. on this basis, it finally provides an outline of how a possible tension between these different but all-together necessary perspectives could best be resolved.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Eva
                    [affiliation] => Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v5i4.208
    [datePublished] => 2013-12-22
    [pdf] =>

Morality,the Other and Third Persons

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main



This paper seeks to defend the thesis that a justification of morality has to underline the role of the second person in addition to a perpetual and on-going change of perspective that likewise includes the third and first person. To support this argument, the paper conceptualises responsibility as a moral relationship whose core constitutes the encounter with the other whom we recognise as a second-person authority. It then sketches how this pre-cognitive dimension must be supplemented by a cognitive insight which implies a dissociation from the second person and a consideration of third persons. on this basis, it finally provides an outline of how a possible tension between these different but all-together necessary perspectives could best be resolved.


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