Leila Ahmed
Department of Philosophy, Coventry University, UK
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24204/ejpr.2023.4324
The paper "Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values related to the Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology" examines the complex interplay of ethical concerns about the environment, cultural viewpoints, and human values. This research explores eco-axiology, the philosophical study of values in connection to the natural world, observing at how moral precepts influence how people interact with the natural world. For measuring, the research study used SPSS software and generated results, including descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA test analysis, which also explains the pair sample analysis between them. The contrast between ecocentrism and anthropocentrism is examined, emphasizing the range of moral viewpoints and the influence of cultural norms on environmental ethics. The usefulness of environmental ethics in solving urgent environmental issues like climate change and biodiversity loss is highlighted, along with its practical implications in policymaking, education, corporate practices, and individual behavior. The research found a positive and significant relationship between environmental ethics and cultural values. Ultimately, this discussion is a call to action, imploring people to practice moral stewardship and substitute a more peaceful coexistence with nature for the sake of both the current and the future generations
Keywords: Environmental Ethics (EE), Cultural Values (CV), Philosophical Approaches (PA), Eco-Axiology (EA)