    [fullTitle] => Responding to the Religious Reasons of Others: Resonance and Non-Reductive Religious Pluralism
    [abstract] => Call a belief ‘non-negotiable’ if one cannot abandon the belief without the abandonment of one’s religious (or non-religious) perspective. Although non-negotiable beliefs can logically exclude other perspectives, a non-reductive approach to religious pluralism can help to create a space within which the non- negotiable beliefs of others that contradict one’s own non-negotiable beliefs can be appreciated and understood as playing a justificatory role for the other. The appreciation of these beliefs through cognitive resonance plays a crucial role to enable the understanding of those who hold other perspectives. epistemological and spiritual consequences of this claim are explored.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Hajj Muhammad
                    [affiliation] => The Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v5i2.232
    [datePublished] => 2013-06-21
    [pdf] =>

Responding to the Religious Reasons of Others: Resonance and Non-Reductive Religious Pluralism

Hajj Muhammad
The Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute



Call a belief ‘non-negotiable’ if one cannot abandon the belief without the abandonment of one’s religious (or non-religious) perspective. Although non-negotiable beliefs can logically exclude other perspectives, a non-reductive approach to religious pluralism can help to create a space within which the non- negotiable beliefs of others that contradict one’s own non-negotiable beliefs can be appreciated and understood as playing a justificatory role for the other. The appreciation of these beliefs through cognitive resonance plays a crucial role to enable the understanding of those who hold other perspectives. epistemological and spiritual consequences of this claim are explored.


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