    [fullTitle] => A 'Trinitarian' Theory of the Self
    [abstract] => I argue that the self is simple metaphysically, whilst being complex psychologically and that the persona that links these moments might be dubbed ‘creativity’ or ‘imagination’. This theory is trinitarian because it ascribes to the self these three ‘features’ or ‘moments’ and they bear at least some analogy with the Persons of the Trinity, as understood within the neo- platonic, Augustinian tradition.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Howard
                    [affiliation] => Central European University, Budapest


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v5i1.255
    [datePublished] => 2013-03-21
    [pdf] =>

A 'Trinitarian' Theory of the Self

Central European University, Budapest



I argue that the self is simple metaphysically, whilst being complex psychologically and that the persona that links these moments might be dubbed ‘creativity’ or ‘imagination’. This theory is trinitarian because it ascribes to the self these three ‘features’ or ‘moments’ and they bear at least some analogy with the Persons of the Trinity, as understood within the neo- platonic, Augustinian tradition.


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