    [fullTitle] => Murdoch and Levinas on God and Good
    [abstract] => Murdoch and Levinas both believe that our humanity requires us to suppress our natural egoism and to be morally responsive to others. Murdoch insists that while such a morality presupposes a ‘transcendent background’, God should be kept out of the picture altogether. By contrast, Levinas argues that, in responding morally to others, we make contact with God (though not the God of traditional Christianity) and that in doing so we become more God-like. I attempt to clarify their agreements and differences, and I offer some criticisms of their conception of humanity, God, and the relationship between them.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Fiona
                    [affiliation] => Heythrop College, University of London


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v1i2.341
    [datePublished] => 2009-09-23
    [pdf] =>

Murdoch and Levinas on God and Good

Heythrop College, University of London



Murdoch and Levinas both believe that our humanity requires us to suppress our natural egoism and to be morally responsive to others. Murdoch insists that while such a morality presupposes a ‘transcendent background’, God should be kept out of the picture altogether. By contrast, Levinas argues that, in responding morally to others, we make contact with God (though not the God of traditional Christianity) and that in doing so we become more God-like. I attempt to clarify their agreements and differences, and I offer some criticisms of their conception of humanity, God, and the relationship between them.


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