    [fullTitle] => The Eternity Solution to the Problem of Human Freedom and Divine Foreknowledge
    [abstract] => In this paper I defend the eternity solution to the problem of human freedom and divine foreknowledge. After motivating the problem, I sketch the basic contours of the eternity solution. I then consider several objections which contend that the eternity solution falsely implies that we have various powers (e.g. to change God’s beliefs, or to affect the past) which, according to the objector, we do not in fact have. 
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Michael
                    [affiliation] => University of St Thomas


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v2i1.359
    [datePublished] => 2010-03-21
    [pdf] =>

The Eternity Solution to the Problem of Human Freedom and Divine Foreknowledge

University of St Thomas



In this paper I defend the eternity solution to the problem of human freedom and divine foreknowledge. After motivating the problem, I sketch the basic contours of the eternity solution. I then consider several objections which contend that the eternity solution falsely implies that we have various powers (e.g. to change God’s beliefs, or to affect the past) which, according to the objector, we do not in fact have. 


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