    [fullTitle] => On Second-Order Religion, Agatheism and Naturalism. A Reply to Branden Thornhill-Miller, Peter Millican and Janusz Salamon
    [abstract] => These comments, on the paper by Branden Thornhill-Miller and Peter Millican 1 and on the critique of that paper by Janusz Salamon 2 , divide into four sections. In the first two sections, I briefly sketch some of the major themes from the paper by Thornhill-Miller and Millican, and then from the critique by Salamon. In the final two sections, I provide some critical thoughts on Salamon’s objections to Thornhill-Miller and Millican, and then on the leading claims made by Thornhill-Miller and Millican. I find much to commend, but also some things to dispute, in both papers. As is so often the way, I shall focus on areas of disagreement.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Graham
                    [affiliation] => Monash University


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v8i3.1697
    [datePublished] => 2016-09-23
    [pdf] =>

On Second-Order Religion, Agatheism and Naturalism. A Reply to Branden Thornhill-Miller, Peter Millican and Janusz Salamon

Monash University



These comments, on the paper by Branden Thornhill-Miller and Peter Millican 1 and on the critique of that paper by Janusz Salamon 2 , divide into four sections. In the first two sections, I briefly sketch some of the major themes from the paper by Thornhill-Miller and Millican, and then from the critique by Salamon. In the final two sections, I provide some critical thoughts on Salamon’s objections to Thornhill-Miller and Millican, and then on the leading claims made by Thornhill-Miller and Millican. I find much to commend, but also some things to dispute, in both papers. As is so often the way, I shall focus on areas of disagreement.


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