    [fullTitle] => Reflections on the Deep Connection Between Problems of Evil and Problems of Divine Hiddenness
    [abstract] => In the literature on the subject, it is common to understand the problem of divine hiddenness and the problem of evil as distinct problems. Schellenberg (1993, 2010) and van Inwagen (2002) are representative. Such a sharp distinction is not so obvious to me. In this essay, I explore the relationship between the problem(s) of evil and the problem(s) of divine hiddenness.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Trent
                    [affiliation] => Baylor University


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v8i4.1756
    [datePublished] => 2016-12-22
    [pdf] =>

Reflections on the Deep Connection Between Problems of Evil and Problems of Divine Hiddenness

Baylor University



In the literature on the subject, it is common to understand the problem of divine hiddenness and the problem of evil as distinct problems. Schellenberg (1993, 2010) and van Inwagen (2002) are representative. Such a sharp distinction is not so obvious to me. In this essay, I explore the relationship between the problem(s) of evil and the problem(s) of divine hiddenness.


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