    [fullTitle] => Epistemic Deism and Probabilistic Theism
    [abstract] => 

The aim of my paper is to clarify the conceptions of epistemic deism and probabilistic theism and to demonstrate that the two doctrines do not finally collapse into one. I would like also to point some reasons for the acceptance of a certain version of probabilistic theism which I will call in the last part of the article “open probabilistic theism”. Open probabilistic theism is not a version of the view called “open theism”. The reasons for the openness of open probabilistic theism are quite different from the reasons supporting open theism.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Darek [affiliation] => Kazimierz Wielki University ) ) [keywords] => Array ( [0] => divine action [1] => belief [2] => miracle [3] => intervention ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v9i4.1872 [datePublished] => 2018-03-11 [pdf] => )

Epistemic Deism and Probabilistic Theism

Kazimierz Wielki University



The aim of my paper is to clarify the conceptions of epistemic deism and probabilistic theism and to demonstrate that the two doctrines do not finally collapse into one. I would like also to point some reasons for the acceptance of a certain version of probabilistic theism which I will call in the last part of the article “open probabilistic theism”. Open probabilistic theism is not a version of the view called “open theism”. The reasons for the openness of open probabilistic theism are quite different from the reasons supporting open theism.

Keywords: divine action

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