    [fullTitle] => God as Ultimate Truthmaker
    [abstract] => Theories of truthmaking have been introduced quite recently in epistemology. Having little to do with truth serums, or truths drugs, their concern is to define truth in terms of a certain relation between truthbearers and truthmakers. Those theories make an attempt to remedy what is supposed to be lacking in classical theories of truth, especially in Alfred Tarski’s semantic theory.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Paul
                    [affiliation] => Département de Philosophie
Université de Lorraine


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v10i1.1908
    [datePublished] => 2018-03-11
    [pdf] =>

God as Ultimate Truthmaker

Département de Philosophie Université de Lorraine



Theories of truthmaking have been introduced quite recently in epistemology. Having little to do with truth serums, or truths drugs, their concern is to define truth in terms of a certain relation between truthbearers and truthmakers. Those theories make an attempt to remedy what is supposed to be lacking in classical theories of truth, especially in Alfred Tarski’s semantic theory.


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