    [fullTitle] => Jean-Luc Marion on the Divine and Taking the "Third Way"
    [abstract] => 

In this article, I will investigate Jean-Luc Marion’s influential critique of metaphysical and natural theological approaches to the divine which he regards as “idolatrous”, and his own proposal of an “iconic” account of God’s revelation which he calls the “third way”. Marion’s idol-icon distinction, I maintain, developed in his early work “God without Being”, is the guiding thread of Marion’s philosophical project, and the key for an adequate understanding of his own account. While Marion’s account is compelling and has provided new perspectives and insights to the contemporary discussion in philosophy of religion, its uncompromising excessiveness and the outright rejection of all hermeneutics leaves it deeply problematic and makes it hard to see how to follow his “third way”.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Panu-Matti [affiliation] => University of Helsinki ) ) [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Marion [1] => Third Way [2] => Ontotheology ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v9i2.1939 [datePublished] => 2017-06-19 [pdf] => )

Jean-Luc Marion on the Divine and Taking the "Third Way"

University of Helsinki



In this article, I will investigate Jean-Luc Marion’s influential critique of metaphysical and natural theological approaches to the divine which he regards as “idolatrous”, and his own proposal of an “iconic” account of God’s revelation which he calls the “third way”. Marion’s idol-icon distinction, I maintain, developed in his early work “God without Being”, is the guiding thread of Marion’s philosophical project, and the key for an adequate understanding of his own account. While Marion’s account is compelling and has provided new perspectives and insights to the contemporary discussion in philosophy of religion, its uncompromising excessiveness and the outright rejection of all hermeneutics leaves it deeply problematic and makes it hard to see how to follow his “third way”.

Keywords: Marion

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