    [fullTitle] => Euteleology Meets/Needs Idealism
    [abstract] => 

The paper compares the non-standard theistic notion of God as presented by John Bishop and Ken Perszyk in their so-called “euteleological” concept of God with idealistic, especially Hegelian and post-Hegelian, concepts of the divine. Both frameworks not only share striking similarities, based on their guiding intuitions, but also have remarkably parallel problems that have already been discussed in 19th-century speculative German theology in the aftermath of German Idealism. The article offers some proposals to strengthen the euteleological concept of God metaphysically — based on some insights coming from post-Hegelian discussions.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Thomas [affiliation] => Univ. Regensburg ) ) [keywords] => Array ( ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v11i1.2725 [datePublished] => 2019-03-17 [pdf] => )

Euteleology Meets/Needs Idealism

Univ. Regensburg



The paper compares the non-standard theistic notion of God as presented by John Bishop and Ken Perszyk in their so-called “euteleological” concept of God with idealistic, especially Hegelian and post-Hegelian, concepts of the divine. Both frameworks not only share striking similarities, based on their guiding intuitions, but also have remarkably parallel problems that have already been discussed in 19th-century speculative German theology in the aftermath of German Idealism. The article offers some proposals to strengthen the euteleological concept of God metaphysically — based on some insights coming from post-Hegelian discussions.


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