    [fullTitle] => Jürgen Habermas on the Way to a Postmetaphysical Reading of Kierkegaard
    [abstract] => 

Habermas’s postmetaphysical reading of Kierkegaard is paradigmatic for his understanding of religion. It shows, why Habermas reduces religion to fideism. Therefore the paper reconstructs Habermas’s reception of Kierkegaard and compares it with the accounts of Dieter Henrich and Michael Theunissen. Furthermore it demonstrates how Habermas makes use of Kierkegaard’s dialectics of existence to formulate his postmetaphysical thesis of a cooperative venture.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Klaus [affiliation] => ) ) [keywords] => Array ( ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.v11i4.3038 [datePublished] => 2019-12-20 [pdf] => )

Jürgen Habermas on the Way to a Postmetaphysical Reading of Kierkegaard




Habermas’s postmetaphysical reading of Kierkegaard is paradigmatic for his understanding of religion. It shows, why Habermas reduces religion to fideism. Therefore the paper reconstructs Habermas’s reception of Kierkegaard and compares it with the accounts of Dieter Henrich and Michael Theunissen. Furthermore it demonstrates how Habermas makes use of Kierkegaard’s dialectics of existence to formulate his postmetaphysical thesis of a cooperative venture.


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