    [fullTitle] => Are Reduplicative Qua-Operators Superfluous?
    [abstract] => 

Reduplicative approaches to the incarnation attempt to avoid the charge of incoherence by employing a qua-operator that operates on an entire assertion. The main objection to this approach is that it still yields a contradiction. Recently, two new reduplicative approaches have been offered that purport to avoid contradiction, one that offers a novel analysis of negative predications and the other which prevents conjoining divine and human predicates into a meaningful sentence. In this paper, I argue that these newer approaches either fail to provide a distinctive solution or do not show whether the model is genuinely possible.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Eric [affiliation] => ) ) [keywords] => Array ( [0] => incarnation [1] => Christology [2] => reduplication ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.2021.3079 [datePublished] => 2021-06-30 [pdf] => )

Are Reduplicative Qua-Operators Superfluous?




Reduplicative approaches to the incarnation attempt to avoid the charge of incoherence by employing a qua-operator that operates on an entire assertion. The main objection to this approach is that it still yields a contradiction. Recently, two new reduplicative approaches have been offered that purport to avoid contradiction, one that offers a novel analysis of negative predications and the other which prevents conjoining divine and human predicates into a meaningful sentence. In this paper, I argue that these newer approaches either fail to provide a distinctive solution or do not show whether the model is genuinely possible.

Keywords: incarnation

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