    [fullTitle] => Divine Simplicity: The Aspectival Account
    [abstract] => 

This article aims to provide a consistent explication of the doctrine of Divine Simplicity. To achieve this end, a re-construal of the doctrine is made within an “aspectival trope-theoretic” metaphysical framework, which will ultimately enable the doctrine to be elucidated in a consistent manner, and the Plantingian objections raised against it will be shown to be unproblematic.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Joshua Reginald [affiliation] => London School of Theology ) ) [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Simplicity [1] => Identity [2] => Tropes [3] => Aspects ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.2021.3306 [datePublished] => 2021-06-04 [pdf] => )

Divine Simplicity: The Aspectival Account

Joshua Reginald
London School of Theology



This article aims to provide a consistent explication of the doctrine of Divine Simplicity. To achieve this end, a re-construal of the doctrine is made within an “aspectival trope-theoretic” metaphysical framework, which will ultimately enable the doctrine to be elucidated in a consistent manner, and the Plantingian objections raised against it will be shown to be unproblematic.

Keywords: Simplicity

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