    [fullTitle] => Confucianism and Rituals for Women in Chosŏn Korea
    [abstract] => This essay offers an analysis of the writing and practices of Song Siyŏl as a way to explore the philosophical concepts and philosophizing process of Confucian ritual in relation to women. As a symbolic and influential figure in Korean philosophy and politics, his views contributed to shaping the orthodox interpretation of the theory and practice of Neo-Confucian ritual regarding women. By demonstrating and analyzing what kinds of issues were discussed in terms of women in four family rituals, I delineate the ways in which Song Siyŏl positioned women in his ritualist metaphysics and to examine his philosophizing process.
    [authors] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [givenName] => Hwa Yeong
                    [affiliation] => 


    [keywords] => Array

    [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.2021.3308
    [datePublished] => 2021-06-30
    [pdf] =>

Confucianism and Rituals for Women in Chosŏn Korea

Hwa Yeong



This essay offers an analysis of the writing and practices of Song Siyŏl as a way to explore the philosophical concepts and philosophizing process of Confucian ritual in relation to women. As a symbolic and influential figure in Korean philosophy and politics, his views contributed to shaping the orthodox interpretation of the theory and practice of Neo-Confucian ritual regarding women. By demonstrating and analyzing what kinds of issues were discussed in terms of women in four family rituals, I delineate the ways in which Song Siyŏl positioned women in his ritualist metaphysics and to examine his philosophizing process.


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