    [fullTitle] => Simply Unsuccessful: The Neo-Platonic Proof of God’s Existence
    [abstract] => 

Edward Feser defends the ‘Neo-Platonic proof’ for the existence of the God of classical theism. After articulating the argument and a number of preliminaries, I first argue that premise three of Feser’s argument – the causal principle that every composite object requires a sustaining efficient cause to combine its parts – is both unjustified and dialectically ill-situated. I then argue that the Neo-Platonic proof fails to deliver the mindedness of the absolutely simple being and instead militates against its mindedness. Finally, I uncover two tensions between Trinitarianism and the Neo-Platonic proof and one tension between the Neo-Platonic proof (and, more generally, classical theism) and the incarnation.

[authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [givenName] => Joseph Conrad [affiliation] => Purdue University ) ) [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Neo-Platonic Proof [1] => God [2] => Divine Simplicity [3] => Trinity [4] => Incarnation ) [doi] => 10.24204/ejpr.2021.3412 [datePublished] => 2021-12-29 [pdf] => )

Simply Unsuccessful: The Neo-Platonic Proof of God’s Existence

Joseph Conrad
Purdue University



Edward Feser defends the ‘Neo-Platonic proof’ for the existence of the God of classical theism. After articulating the argument and a number of preliminaries, I first argue that premise three of Feser’s argument – the causal principle that every composite object requires a sustaining efficient cause to combine its parts – is both unjustified and dialectically ill-situated. I then argue that the Neo-Platonic proof fails to deliver the mindedness of the absolutely simple being and instead militates against its mindedness. Finally, I uncover two tensions between Trinitarianism and the Neo-Platonic proof and one tension between the Neo-Platonic proof (and, more generally, classical theism) and the incarnation.

Keywords: Neo-Platonic Proof

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