The journal accepts the following types of articles for publication:
- Research articles: 9000 words, including abstract, footnotes, and references
- Discussion&Replies: 4000 words
- Book Reviews: 2000 words (see Book Review Guidelines)
Manuscripts exceeding these limits will not be considered!
When you first submit your paper, you only need an anonymized PDF ready for review. Once your paper has been accepted, you have to provide:
- a manuscript using this template and
- a *.ris-file with all reference data.
Please also check general information for authoring in OJS here and the EJPR Stylesheet.
Following some advice for preparing the manuscript.
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript is
- 1,5-spaced
- set in 12-point font
- section headings are bold and centred (or otherwise recognizable as such)
- subsection headings are in italics and centred (or otherwise recognizable as such)
- long quotes are indented and easily recognizable as such in the layout process.
- all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
We have a Word template for this here (take this for Word 97-2003 or Open-/LibreOffice). If you (understandably) prefer LaTeX, this line in pandoc will do the trick in most cases <pandoc “filename.tex” -f latex -t docx -o “filename.docx”> providing a Word file as requested by the EJPR-Team.
Reference Management Software
Providing a *.ris-file containing the cited references is mandatory. You can build such a file with any reference management software (here is an overview). If you plan to use a citation software while preparing the manuscript, we recommend using Citavi or Zotero as software. Both offer our journal citation style as predefined citation option.
Our team mainly works with Citavi, an excellent piece of software with many useful features for citation and knowledge management. Unfortunately, Citavi is not free and runs only on Windows, so it might not be the best choice for everyone.
A good alternative option is Zotero. It is free, open-source and runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can find help and support here and here.
Anyway, you can use any software you like, as long as it able to import CSL citation styles (i.e. any recent citation software). You can download here our style definition.
If you have not being using a citation management software before, you might consider downloading this bibliography file: EJPR.ris or EJPR.bib. There are 3200+ entries on philosophy to start with.