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Author Guidelines

The main aim of Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is publishing pieces of research, studies and scientific essays related to History of Education, whatever their time, place, field of study, style or manner.

Only original unpublished articles will be admitted, not even appearing on other scientific journals.

The following original unpublished collaborations will be also admitted: studies, pieces of research, scientific essays.

Articles in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian will be accepted.

The length of studiesscientific essays and pieces of research will range between 7500 and 9500 words.

Studies, essays and pieces of research will include:

  • The title in both their original language and English. In case the latter is the original language of an article, the title will also appear in Spanish.
  • The title must be as illustrative, clear and accurate as possible. It must not contain, in any case, more than 150 characters (including spaces).
  • A summary in the original language as well as in English whose length is between 200 and 250 words, containing, at least, the following information: aims, methodology, sources/sample, main conclusion.
  • From four to six key words in both the original language and English defining the content of the article. The use of Tesauro Europeo de los Sistemas Educativos / Thesaurus for education Systems in Europe (Eurydice) and/or Tesauro de la UNESCO / UNESCO Thesaurus is highly recommended for such purpose.

Collaborations will be submitted through the section Submissions.

The editors and Editorial Board will be the first to evaluate the articles sent for the Monograph and Studies sections, and then they will be assessed by the external reviewers following the already mentioned Peer review policy. Decisions will be announced to their authors stating, if necessary, the appropriate amendments within 180 days. Accepted articles will appear on the first issues containing enough pages. Editors reserve their right to publish them.

All articles must be written Times New Roman font size 12, singled-spaced and with numbered pages.

References, bibliography and notes will comply with the style standards of the APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). 6ª ed., 2010, ISBN: 9781433805592:

  • Journal Article

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., & Last name, C. C. (Year). Article title. Title of the publication, volume (issue number), pp. xx-xx. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

  • Press Article

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., & Last name, C. C. (Year, date). Article title. Title of the publication.

  • Book

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. City: Publisher. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Last name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Publisher. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

  • Book chapter

Last name, A. A., & Last name, B. B. (Year). Chapter or entry title. In Last name, A. A. (Ed.), Title (pp. xx-xx). City: Publisher. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

  • Organizations and documents

Last name, A. A. // Organization (Year). Title. (Report No. xxx). City: Publisher.

  • Thesis

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. (Upublished Thesis). Institution name, City.

  • Record offices y libraries

Abbreviation used to refer to the record office or library. Full name of the record office or library. City, Country. File/Box/Folder and other identifying references.

  • Online references

Journal article

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., & Last name, C. C. (Year). Article title. Title of the publication, volume(issue number), pp. xx-xx. Extracted the x of xxx, xxxx from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Press article

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., & Last name, C. C. (Year, date). Article title. Title of the publication. Extracted the x of xxx, xxxx from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.


Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. City: Publisher. Recuperado el x de xxx de xxxx, de http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.
Last name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Publisher. Extracted the x of xxx, xxxx from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Book chapter

Last name, A. A., & Last name, B. B. (Year). Chapter or entry title. In Last name, A. A. (Ed.), Title (pp. xx-xx). City: Publisher. Extracted the x of xxx, xxxx from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx. doi: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Organizations and documents

Last name, A. A. // Organización (Year). Title. (Report No. xxx). City: Publisher. Extracted the x of xxx, xxxx from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.


Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. (unpublished Thesis). Institution name, City. Extracted the x of xxx, xxxx from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.

For quotation the next guidelines will be followed:

  • If the quote includes the author’s last name, only the date and referred page/s will be included in brackets.
  • If the author’s last name is not included, last name, date and page/s will appear in this order in brackets.
  • If two or more authors are responsible for a work, only the first time all last names will be mentioned, while just the first author’s last name plus et al will appear on the following occasions.
  • Quotes will appear between quotation marks. Those whose length is five or more lines will be rendered in a similar style but in a different paragraph, indented and size-10 font.

Images, pictures and charts must be presented in .jpg format with a resolution of 300 pixels per inch, in separate files as an attachment to the document. Files must be named according to the order they follow within the document: figure01.jpg, chart02.jpg o graph01.jpg

Apart from the articles, every author will submit his full name, email addresses, work place and position.

Reviewers will not received any economic compensation in return for their reviewed articles.    

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is not responsible for the authors’ ideas, opinions and writing styles.

Please note that Espacio, Tiempo y Educación uses PlagiumTM software to screen manuscripts for unoriginal material. By submitting your manuscript to Espacio, Tiempo y Educación you are agreeing to any necessary originality checks and your manuscript may have to undergo during the peer-review and production processes. Please note any author who fails to adhere to the above conditions will have their manuscript rejected.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The contribution must be original, not published in another journal or any other media.
  2. The file is sent in Microsoft Word format .doc or .docx

  3. Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.

  4. The text is single-spaced, font size is Times New Roman 12 points, italics are used instead of underlining (except URL addresses).  All illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place they have to be and not at the end of it.

  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, contained in Peer Review Process.

  6. In the case of sending the text to the peer evaluation section, the instructions included in About the Journal have to be followed. 

  7. APA Style (6edition) has been used in the text and in the bibliographical references at the end. 

  8. Metadata details have been completed, including: all data of the author or authors, mail, institution and country; equally the section in which the article has to be included, key words, abstract and bibliography are needed. In case the article has to be included in the section “Monographic”, the title of the special issue for which it is proposed will clearly be indicated.

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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Salamanca, Spain
SCImago Journal & Country Rank

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Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is an open access, free and independent scientific journal, with a six-monthly periodicity (two issues every year) published by FahrenHouse (Salamanca, Spain). 

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