The Journal of Mind and Behavior (JMB) is dedicated to the interdisciplinary approach within psychology and related fields — building upon the assumption of a unified science. Mind and behavior position, interact, and causally relate to each other in multidirectional ways; JMB urges the exploration of these interrelationships.
The editors are particularly interested in scholarly work in the following areas:
The psychology, philosophy, sociology of experimentation and scientific method
The relationship between methodology, operationism, and theory construction
Critical examinations of the DSM-biopsychology-somatotherapy framework of thought
Historical perspectives on the course and nature of psychological science
Edwin E. Gantt, Jeffrey L. Thayne, Madeline R. Garrett
Edwin E. Gantt, Jeffrey L. Thayne, Madeline R. Garrett
P.O. Box 522, Village Station New York
207 581 2057