She wanted to get ‘dressed up,’ visit the eatery, catch up with a friend, and enjoy a nice meal.
The TikToker said she had previously visited the eatery and was informed she couldn’t just order sides from the menus, as there weren’t any vegan options on the main menu.
To check the situation wouldn’t be the same again, she claims she rang the restaurant to check whether its policy had been updated.

Amie-Beth recounted: “We rang them up [and said] basically my friend wants to come, she’s a vegan so there’s nothing on the main menu she can order, would it be okay if she just ordered sides? Because she’s been before and that wasn’t allowed?”
She claims a woman on the other side of the phone responded: “We don’t cater for vegans… I don’t even know why a vegan would even want to come to our restaurant anyway.”