This experiment countered claims by skeptics that such shadows in NASA’s photos proved the use of artificial lighting in a studio setting.
The scientific community also overwhelmingly rejects the Moon landing conspiracy theories, citing extensive evidence that the Moon landing did occur.
Former NASA employees, engineers, and astronauts have all consistently affirmed the authenticity of the Moon landings.
Even the Soviets, who closely monitored the U.S. space program during the Cold War, never disputed the event’s authenticity.
Given the intense rivalry between the two, it’s unlikely they would have remained silent if the event had been fabricated.
The persistence of Moon landing conspiracy theories can partly be explained by the psychological mechanisms that drive belief in conspiracies.
As explained by Scientific American, conspiracy theories can provide a sense of control and understanding in a complex and uncertain world.

For one Moon landing conspiracy theorist, their belief led to a bizarre confrontation with Aldrin outside a Beverly Hills hotel.
On September 9, 2002, Bart Sibrel, one of the most vocal Moon landing hoax conspiracy theorists, approached the celebrated astronaut.