Another says: “That’s the job,” while a third adds: “You literally get paid to clean it up sooooo I don’t know why the f*** you complaining.”
However, many other commenters have come out in support of the cleaner.
One comments: “This is terrible. I can’t stand people that can’t respect others’ property.”
Another writes: “I worked in a theatre back in the early 2000s, and this reminds me of every weekday showing of Harry Potter… I actually overheard a parent saying to his kid, ‘No leave your trash on the floor they will pick it up,’ those showings were the dirtiest of them all.”
A third offers a suggestion to prevent this sort of destructive behavior, writing: “There should be a refundable cleaning deposit for scenarios like this.”
Someone else suggests: “If they purchased a private screening then trace them through their credit cards and charge them for damages, ban them from the theatre chain. There are ways to hold them accountable. Oh, and their s****y parents too.”
While a fifth writes: “Scumbags. What sort of trash parents have raised them to do this?”
However, one Redditor can’t believe in the amount of mess for quite a different reason.
They laugh: “All I can see is $5000 worth of popcorn on the ground!”

The cleaner in question has taken to Reddit to share their outrage.
They explain that the group of teens had booked a private screening at the cinema, then left the film 20 minutes early, prompting suspicion from the staff.