An author and educator has been forced to defend herself after saying parents should ask babies for permission before changing their nappies.
S***ality expert Deanne Carson made the controversial comment on an ABC News segment on consent laws.
The expert said parents should ‘set up a culture of consent’ as early as possible. An example of this was: “‘I’m going to change your nappy now, is that OK?’”
She said although a baby isn’t going to reply to the parent, there are other ways to give consent, explaining: “But if you leave a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact then you’re letting that child know that their response matters.”
Carson’s viewpoint has sparked a huge debate on social media.?

One person writes: “I can remember saying things like, ‘Time to change the diaper! Or someone has wet pants! Or let’s get a clean diapy on!’ But asking an infant permission? The level of crazy that reaches is actually inconceivable.”