People have been left disturbed after uncovering the dark meaning behind the nursery rhyme ‘It’s Raining, It’s Pouring.’
With their lively tunes and whimsical lyrics, nursery rhymes have long been a beloved childhood staple.
Yet behind their seemingly innocent facades, many harbor deeper and sometimes unsettling meanings.
Like classics such as ‘Incy Wincy Spider‘ and ‘Little Bo Beep,’ ‘It’s Raining, It’s Pouring’ tells the story of something much more haunting.
For those who treasure collections of illustrated nursery rhymes, take this as a caution – you’re about to uncover another mystery.

A woman who goes by the username @stupidlittlegenius has gone viral on TikTok after unpacking the lyrics.
After finding out the true meaning behind the nursery rhyme, viewers took to the comments and reacted.