And things get even darker if you delve further into the origins of this nursery rhyme.
‘It’s Raining, It’s Pouring’ is listed as an example in Andrew Kaye’s ‘Essential Neurosurgery’ medical book, per American Songwriter.
A section discusses a ‘deteriorating conscious state,’ adding: “This is the most important neurological sign, particularly when it develops after a ‘lucid’ interval.
“It is essential that the drowsiness that occurs in a patient following head injury is not misinterpreted just as the patient wishing to sleep.
“In the book, Kaye notes the seemingly innocent rhyme is actually a ‘classic description of an extradural hematoma [acute hemorrhage] leading to drowsiness and death.’” explains that an extradural hematoma is ’caused by a severe head injury – for example, in a road traffic accident.’