So, when you see an image of her beneath all the intricate designs, facial implants, and piercings, you’re likely to be quite shocked.
The smiling 17-year-old with long, dark hair looks almost unrecognizable as Esperance now—but yes, that’s definitely her.
Reflecting on how her tattoo obsession began, the army vet explained that she got her first tattoo at 21—a small symbol in tribute to her then-partner’s family.

The former medical service officer later covered her first tattoo with a striking Phoenix design, which led her to discover her preference for bold, cohesive inkings. This shift ultimately defined her current tattoo style.
“It’s still difficult to envision a definitive end,” Esperance continued. “For years, I’ve been striving for greater cohesiveness in my suit, and that goal remains important to me. To me, bigger and more cohesive always feels better.”
The tattooed former military woman shares that she has learned to cope with the pain of tattoos and body modifications through meditation.
It’s a good thing Esperance has found a way to manage the pain, as she’s planning to get even more tattoos and modifications.
She added, “Being the most tattooed woman and holding the record for the most body modifications feels a bit surreal. I’m grateful and excited for what’s next – and of course, I’m not done yet!”
I’m sure the tattoo artist she chooses will have a blast filling in that last 0.2 percent of space on her body!
Featured Image Credit: SWNS