Weather Change Preparedness

There are several ways to prepare for weather-related dangers. Some examples include:
- Stock up on Non-perishable groceries such as canned soups, freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, dry goods like beans or oats, and well-preserved meats like beef, turkey, or fish jerky.
- Be sure to have emergency candles.
- Have flashlights with working batteries.
- For hurricane protection, use duct tape and cardboard for windows and doors.
- Be sure everything is safely strapped down and in a waterproof casing.
- Have windows and doors checked to ensure they’re properly insulated.
- Keep jugs or bottled water.
- Look into a generator if you live in an area that experiences frequent power outages.
- Be sure all prescriptions and medications are filled and up to date.
- Have a first aid kit, garbage bags, wipes, and hand sanitizer.
- Keep important documents nearby in case of emergency and to prevent them from washing or blowing away.
Lastly, stay informed about changing weather patterns in your area and places like the Atlantic Ocean as these can impact cities and crop production worldwide.