“I said, ‘Ugh, these are vegan burgers right?’ He said, ‘No, they’re brand burgers.’ I said, ‘Brand burgers? I said Beyond burgers.’ I don’t even know what a brand burger is,” Chloe recalled.
Understandably, the singer was upset to learn she had unintentionally broken her vegan diet.
Chloe told followers: “Halle’s laughing at me because I’m crying. This is right before the concert yesterday. I’m crying, Halle’s just laughing so hard at me because I’m freaking out.”
Months after the burger incident, Chloe took to TikTok and admitted that she had started eating chicken, 11 years after beginning her vegan diet.
Letting out a deep sigh, she began: “My confession is that recently I have begun consuming chicken.”
“And let me tell you something, yes, after 11 years – I’m dead a** serious. I’m not joking. After 11 years of being vegan, I consume chicken now.”