ISSN: 0177 – 7726
Hans D. Lauk
Bernhard Huskamp
Hartmut Gerhards
Heidrun Gehlen
Michael Röcken
Administration and Production Editor: | Dr. Hans D. Lauk Hippiatrika Verlag GmbH, Krippenhof 5, 76530 Baden-Baden, Postfach 100085, 76481 Baden-Baden, Telefon 0049 (0)7221 3973090, Mobile 0049 (0)176 23411422 Telefax 0049 (0)7221 3973091, Email: lauk[at] |
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Commercial Register: | Registernummer: HRB 711278 AG Mannheim |
VAT identification number | DE144368637 |
Responsible according to §55 2 RStV | Dr. Hans Dieter Lauk |
Compendium Abstracts | Dr. Alexandra Diefenbach, Dr. Stephanie Dorst, Dr. Anja Gabe, Dr. Isabel Gevelhoff-Eiser, Dr. Dorothea Irmer, Dr. Silke Laurenzis, Laura Listmann, Dr. Dr. Peter Pantke, Inke Reimer |
Printing: | Offizin Chr. Scheufele, Stuttgart |
Frequency of Publication: | Bimonthly – (January, March, May, July, September, November) |
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Bank account: | Bank: GLS Bank BIC: GENODEM1GLS IBAN: DE31430609677025207800 |
Pferdeheilkunde publishes papers on all equine veterinary topics in German and English language as well as abstracts from the international literature. Manuscripts have to be submitted to the editor. Only unpublished original work that has not been submitted to other journals will be accepted. With acceptance of the manuscript the publisher is entitled to the utilization rights. Papers published in Pferdeheilkunde are protected by copyright. Any form of copying, duplication, translation or publishing (presentation at meetings, on tv, radio, internet, etc.) of any part of the journal without permission by the publisher is prohibited. Photocopying is only permitted of single papers for personal use. Any copy made for commercial use is subject to regulation by § 54(2) UrhG and results in a fee which has to be paid to: VG Wort, Abteilung Wissenschaft, Goethestraße 49, 80336 München. Publisher and editors are not responsible for the content of scientific papers, abstracts or advertisements. Pferdeheilkunde is listed in the following data bases: Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences, Scisearch, Resarch Alert, Cab Abstracts, ELFIS, AGRIS
Pferdeheilkunde CompendiumAbstracts of selected publications from international veterinary journals. Pferdeheilkunde CurriculumSeminars for continuing education in equine medicine. Members of the scientific board, University lecturers and other specialists lecture about topics including: anesthesiology, respiratory diseases, dermatology, neonatology and obstetrics, nutrition/metabolism/clinical pathology, cardiac and vascular diseases, prepurchase exam, colic, sports physiology/muscular diseases/doping, neurology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, reproduction, radiology, ultrasonography and dentistry. The seminars are held monthly on weekends between September and May from Saturday 11am to Sunday 5:30pm. Seminar locations: Baden-Baden, Berlin, Munich, Kassel Pferdeheilkunde ForumEvery year in the early summer a variety of seminars covering selected equine topics take place in different locations: Baden-Baden, Palais Biron and the Berlin-Brandenburg Science Academy. Pferdeheilkunde AwardYearly award for the best publication among young scientists in the past volume of Pferdeheilkunde. The jury consists of all members of the Pferdeheilkunde scientific advisory committee. The award is conferred during the Pferdeheilkunde Forum in the early summer of every year. Pferdeheilkunde Prepurchase Examination FormContract form for the equine purchase exam. Published by Hans D. Lauk und B. Huskamp in coordination with the Association for Equine Medicine (Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin) and the Equine Committee of the Federal Veterinary Board (Bundestierärztekammer). Price: 6.50 €, English version: 8.50 €. Order: Fax 0049 30 28 04 04 52, Pferdeheilkunde FundusDatabase for online search of all articles published in Pferdeheilkunde since 1985. Pferdeheilkunde LibriOnline-Bookshop for equine veterinary literature |
Indexed in: | Current Contents / Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; Scisearch; Research Alert; Cab Abstracts; ELFIS; AGRIS. |